Search Engine Optimisation

– Case studies

DotMD Partner


Paintworld is an online store of Wattyl Paint Group, previously independently owned and operated out of Bristol Paints. Paintworld provides painting and equipment supplies online and has developed a house hold name around Sydney.

shelta marketing

– Organic Google Traffic

shelta marketing

– Organic Keyword Rankings

We initiated an SEO campaign to help boost Paintworld’s organic Google traffic. The way we went about this was in three ways. Producing high quality blog content, optimsing collection pages and optimising backend metadata.

Blog Content: We produced frequent monthly blog content that is specifically tailored to answer niche questions asked on Google. Keyword research is conducted to determine which search terms are best to target.

On-page SEO: This involved analysing and making changes to exsiting product and collection pages to give them a higher Google ranking. 

Metadata: The website’s metadata continuously optimised to ensure that pages, products, images are indexed correctly on Google and that users have a higher chance of finding Paintworld’s products in search engines.


– Almost doubling of organic traffic from Google.
– Doubling of keyword rankings.
– Significantly increasing top 3 and top 10 rankings.
– Reduction in website errors, to increase website health.

DotMD Partner

Future Form Group Australia

Future Form is one of Australia’s leading formwork contracting firms. Established in 2002, Future Form offers safety conscious, reliable and driven formwork teams for major construction projects.

shelta marketing

– Organic Search Traffic

shelta marketing

– Organic Keyword Rankings

In conjunction with Future Form’s new website, they acquired our services to boost their Google rankings. Due to the industry the client is in and the size of the business, we came up with a strategy that would involve optimising existing webpages, creating new piees of content and a solid backlink strategy.

We ensured that each webpage on the website had the correct metadata to be indexed by Google. Furthermore, we ensured that the new webpage content we were to be producing was based on a significant amount of keyword research and competitor analysis.

Furthermore, we implemented a backlink strategy that would gain relevant niche backlinks for the companies industry and conducted keyword research and competitor analysis on the backlinks to determine which ones to target.


– Almost doubling of organic traffic from Google.
– Significantly increasing top 3 and top 10 rankings.
– Tripling of website Domain Authority
– Reduction in website errors, to increase website health.
– 15x keyword rankings.
– SERP features gained.